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Chart Annotations API

The Chart Annotations API lets you programmatically annotate important dates like feature releases and marketing campaigns on your organization's charts with a horizontal axis of calendar dates.

Get more examples for this API

The Amplitude Developers Postman profile has a full library of example requests and responses for this API.

Check out the Amplitude Developers Profile to view the collection. You don't need a Postman account to browse.

If you already use Postman, you can fork and run this collection in Postman.


This API uses basic authentication, using the API key and secret key for your project. Pass base64-encoded credentials in the request header like {{api-key}}:{{secret-key}}. api-key replaces username, and secret-key replaces the password.

Your authorization header should look something like this:

--header 'Authorization: Basic YWhhbWwsdG9uQGFwaWdlZS5jb206bClwYXNzdzByZAo'

See Find your Amplitude Project API Credentials for help locating your credentials.


Region Endpoint
Standard Server
EU Residency Server

Create annotation

Creates an annotation with the specified parameters.

POST /api/2/annotations?app_id=yourAppID&date=YYYY-MM-DD&label=yourLabel&chart_id=yourChartID&details=yourDetails HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {{api-key}}:{{secret-key}} #credentials must be base64 encoded

Create annotation query parameters

Parameter Description
app_id Required. Integer. The Project ID of the project your chart belongs to.
date Required. Date. Date (YYYY-MM-DD) of the annotation.
label Required. String. The title of your annotation.
chart_id Optional. String. The ID of the chart (found in URL) to annotate. If you don't include a chart_id, the annotation is global and appears on all charts in the project.
details Optional. String. Details for the annotation.

Create annotation response

        "date": "2023-09-16", 
        "details": "Added new user properties.", 
        "id": 50079, 
        "label": "Version 2.4 Release"
        "success": true

Get all chart annotations

Retrieves all chart annotations in your project.

GET /api/2/annotations HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {{api-key}}:{{secret-key}} #credentials must be base64 encoded

Get all chart annotations response

A successful response returns a list of chart annotations in the project.

    "data": [
            "id": 160419,
            "date": "2021-09-01",
            "label": "First September",
            "details": "My annotation"
            "id": 160427,
            "date": "2021-09-01",
            "label": "Annotation 2",
            "details": "Another annotation"
            "id": 160507,
            "date": "2021-09-25",
            "label": "Annotation 3",
            "details": "Chart annotation"
            "id": 160508,
            "date": "2021-09-30",
            "label": "Annotation 4",
            "details": "Made another annotation"

Get chart annotation

Retrieve a single chart annotation, by ID.

GET /api/2/annotations?id=CHARTID HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic {{api-key}}:{{secret-key}} #credentials must be base64 encoded

Get chart annotation query parameters

Name Description
id Required. Annotation ID.

Get chart annotation response

A successful response returns the chart annotation's data.

    "data": [

            "id": 160427,
            "date": "2022-01-31",
            "label": "Chart Annotation 1",
            "details": "This is a chart annotation"

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