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Session Replay Implementation with Google Tag Manager

Instrumenting Amplitude Session Replay with Google Tag Manager requires a different procedure than with the standard Browser SDK Plugin. To instrument Session Replay with Google Tag Manager:

  1. Add the Google Tag Manager Web Template for Amplitude Analytics Browser SDK if it's not yet enabled.
  2. In Google Tag Manager, create an init tag with the same API key as your Amplitude Project. This is the project that receives the session replays.
  3. Set the Trigger to Initialization - All Pages.
  4. Amplitude recommends that you enable default event tracking for better search support with Session Replay. Default events count against your event quota.
  5. Create a Custom HTML tag for Session Replay, and paste the code shown below.
  6. Set Trigger for the Session Replay Tag to Initialization - All Pages.
  7. Deploy the tags. Replays should begin to appear on the home page of the Amplitude app. Ensure that you're looking at the correct project.
Session Replay Script for Google Tag Manager
    function loadAsync(src, callback) {
      var script = document.createElement('script');
      script.src = src;
      if (script.readyState) { // IE, incl. IE9
        script.onreadystatechange = function() {
            if (script.readyState === "loaded" || script.readyState === "complete") {
                script.onreadystatechange = null;
      } else {
        script.onload = function() { // Other browsers

      function () {
        window.amplitude.add(window.sessionReplay.plugin({sampleRate: 1})); 


Sample Rate

The sample rate in this sample is set to 1, or 100%, which means every session is captured. This is good for testing, but not recommended for production. For more information, see Session Replay Plugin | Sample Rate.


Multiple instantiation of the Amplitude SDKs. This is a common problem seen with GTM and other code injection frameworks. Ensure that the initialization logic is only run once on your app. This could happen if:

  • There is more than 1 “Init Tag” or another custom tag that’s running Amplitude.
  • You have another Code Injection Framework (for example, SquareSpace or Bubble) that also runs Amplitude.

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